SVNH is committed to ensuring that children have the best possible start in life. We offer play-based learning opportunities for children through family drop-ins, preschool, out-of-school care, and after school programs. All of our community events also include children’s activities for arts and crafts, games, and more! For more information, please call 604.324.6212.
BC Housing Kids Club
After-school program for BC Housing children 6 to 12 years old. BC Housing children enjoy art, science, and food while learning about sustainability, keeping fit, and much more.
3:00pm to 5:30pm
Mondays and Thursdays at Culloden Court
Tuesdays and Fridays at Champlain Heights
Wednesday at Orchard Park
Culloden Court, Champlain Heights, and Orchard Park
To register contact mikyung.han@southvan.org or 604-324-6212 EXT 147
[Korean] Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program
Meet with other Korean speaking parents of young children 0 to 5 years old. Share questions, concerns and ideas about being a parent. Learn about child development, safety, health and behaviour, Discuss real-life parenting situations and work together with the support of a trained facilitator to discover positive ways of parenting.
Mondays at 1:30pm – 3:00pm
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
Free with SVNH membership
To register contact kwangyoung.conn@southvan.org or (604)-324-6212 EXT 117
Other Details
Language: Korean
OSC Summer Camp
We offer a fun, safe and healthy summer camp for school age children. Includes weekly themes and daily indoor activities and out trips! Daily healthy snack included.
Monday to Friday at 7:30am to 6:00pm
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
Lestor, email osc@southvan.org
Poppins Preschool
Engaging safe and healthy licensed preschool program for children 3 to 5 years old . Play-based program based on children's interest. Field trips and guest instructors included.
Monday – Friday (2, 3 and 5 day options) at 9:15am – 12:15pm
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
To register contact candice.leung@southvan.org or (604)-324-6212 EXT 119
Salmon Stone Childcare Centre
Waitlist information & registration: Click here
Waitlist registration for Salmon Stone Childcare Centre will start on August 1st at 7am
Once you have submitted the online waitlist application form, there will be an automatic confirmation on the website. This means you are on the waitlist. An email confirmation will not be provided.
Our new 49 space licensed childcare centre located at 3010 East Kent Avenue South for children ages 0 to 5 will open in early 2025.
- 12 space Infant (0 to 18 months)
- 12 space Toddler (18 months to 3 years)
- 25 space 3 to 5 Years Old
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 5:30pm
Salmonberry Childcare Centre
SVNH is committed to providing high-quality childcare programs where children are valued for their wonder and curiosity, unique perspectives, ability to play, and capacity for meaningful work. Our dedicated and qualified educators provide a Reggio Emilia inspired approach to learning. This is through their passion in children, understanding in the value of play, vision, heart, knowledge, skills, and strong commitment to families. Our program curriculum is guided by the 2019 BC Early Learning Framework focusing on the areas of Well-being and Belonging: Exploration and Creativity; Languages and Literacies; Social Responsibility and Diversity. We acknowledge, value, and celebrate diversity and inclusion by striving to meet the needs of the children by recognizing that children and their families come from a wide range of backgrounds with individual needs, beliefs, and values. We value the ability to learn and explore together, as well as from one another, because at SVNH we are committed to supporting the community in its efforts to raise happy and confident children. Toddler Childcare: Children ages 18 months to 3 years old
3 to 5 Childcare: Children ages 3 to 5 years old
*Effective March 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025, Salmonberry Childcare Centre is a recipient of the Provincial Government funding of the $10aDay Childcare BC funding. Waitlist information: * Once you have submitted the online waitlist application form, there will be an automatic confirmation on the website. This means you are on the waitlist. An email confirmation will not be provided. To register for the waitlist, click here. Questions? Check out our Salmonberry FAQ |
Monday to Friday at 7:30am to 5:30pm
8131 Chester Street, Vancouver
Other Details
Families may be eligible for the Ministry of Family and Child Development Affordable Childcare Benefits Plan. For more information, please visit www.gov.bc.ca. If families require assistance, please contact salmonberry@southvan.org.
South Vancouver Early Childhood Resources Facebook Page
SVNH Family Program & Activities Updates and Early Childhood Education Resources for families and caregivers with children aged 0-6.
SVNH Out of School Care Gr. K-7
Licensed before and after school care for students attending Tecumseh, and Cunningham.
Full day care for VSB Professional Development Days & early dismissals included in price. Licensed for 40 children.
MCFD Affordable Child Care Benefits accepted.
Monday – Friday
Before Care: 7:30AM – 9:00AM
After Care: 3:00PM – 6:00PM
Full Day: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House; Fleming Elementary School; Waverly Elementary School (afternoon only)
$10 Membership per family
$30 Registration Fee per child
$400/child/month for students Gr. 1 and up
$200/child/month for students in Kindergarten
($200 MCFD Fee reduction applied for students in Kindergarten)
To register contact lestor.chou@southvan.org or (604)-324-6212 EXT 146
SVNH Out of School Care Spring Break Camp (Gr.K- 7)
Full day care for children during VSB Spring Break Closure.
Priority spaces offered current SVNH OSC.
New children (public) can register pending availability.
(No school restrictions). Licensed for 40 Children.
MCFD Affordable Child Care Benefits accepted
Monday – Friday
March 13 – March 24 2023
Full Day: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House - Family Room / Preschool Room
$35/child/day for students Gr. 1 and up, currently enrolled in SVNH OSC
$30/child/day for students in Kindergarten currently enrolled in SVNH OSC
$55/child/day for students Gr. 1 and up
$50/child/day for students in Kindergarten
(MCFD Fee reduction applied)
To register contact lestor.chou@southvan.org or (604)-324-6212 EXT 146
Waverley Out of School Care Gr. K-7
Licensed before and after school care for students attending
Waverley. Before school care is at SVNH OSC.
Full day care for VSB Professional Development Days & early
dismissals included in price.
Licensed for 30 Children.
MCFD Affordable Child Care Benefits accepted.
MCFD Prototype Centre ($10/day childcare)
Winter Break, Spring Break, Summer Care included for all
students registered.
Monday – Friday
Before Care: 7:30AM-9:00AM
After Care: 3:00PM-6:00PM
Full Day: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Waverley Elementary School 6111 Elliott St. Vancouver, BC - Waverley Multipurpose Room
$10 Membership per family
$30 Registration Fee per child
$200/child/month (Receives $10/day BC Prototype Funding)
To register contact zohreh.pezhman@southvan.org or (604)-218-6017